Guide to IP Registration in Indonesia
Get guidance on IP registration in Indonesia assisted by Patendo, a Registered IP Consultant with 10 years of experience in IP registration including trademarks, copyrights, and industrial designs in Indonesia. Learn essential information on securing ip rights in Indonesia.
We break down ip registration processes step-by-step. Secure your innovations with ip registration in Indonesia: simple, affordable process. Registering intellectual property opens up legal access for individuals and businesses to utilize intangible assets such as trademarks, patents and digital creations for commercial interests.
The IP protection system plays a role in stimulating endless innovation and creativity. However, obtaining rights to intellectual property through the Indonesia Trademark Office and related institutions is often considered complicated.
This article discusses the ins and outs of the application process up to the issuance of patent, trademark, industrial design and copyright rights in Indonesia to make it easier to understand.
Overview of IP Registration in Indonesia
Intellectual property rights give the owner full control over the use and benefits derived from abstract assets resulting from creative or innovative thinking processes. The main categories of IP include:
– Trademarks: logos, names, symbols or designs that distinguish the source of goods and services
– Industrial designs: visual ornamental designs of a product
– Copyright: embodiment of original works in the form of literature, music or audiovisual
In order to enjoy the exclusive rights accompanied by legal protection over these IPs, registration is carried out through the system in Indonesia.
Stages of Intellectual Property Registration in Indonesia
When deciding to protect IP assets in Indonesia, owners should understand the details of the application process up to the issuance of rights. Here are the general stages of IP registration in Indonesia :
– Electronic or manual application along with technical data components
– Examination of administrative requirements by officers
– Assessment of novelty, creativity or public ignorance
– Improvements and responses if there are any deficiencies
– Approval and fees for granting protections
– Issuance of intellectual property rights certificates
When applying for IP registration in Indonesia, applicants should first conduct research to ensure the registered assets meet the qualifications of uniqueness and difference from anything preexisting. This simplifies passing the eligibility test and obtaining certificates. Visit the DGIP website for specific requirements for each type of IP.
Navigating Complexity of IP Registration
Although the concept is quite simple, it turns out that IP applications can take up years before final approval. Details of estimated processing times:
– Trademarks: 1-2 years from filing to granting
– Copyrights: 6-12 months for verification and recording
– Industrial Designs: 2-3 years for registration
As for the limited and different protection periods for each type:
– Trademarks: 10 years and can be continuously renewed
– Industrial designs: 10 years and renewable up to a maximum of 25 years
– Copyrights: 50 years from the creator’s death
Such are the complexities that IP owners must understand. However, with thorough preparation, IP registration in Indonesia can certainly proceed more smoothly and produce maximum legal protection for your assets.
Recommend Consulting IP Experts
Considering the complex technical aspects of registration and post-grant protection management, most IP owners often delegate them to certified IP agent services such as Patendo.
The advantages of engaging professional consulting services include:
– Assist preparation of documents & flawless application execution
– Perform comprehensive investigation to strengthen claims
– Provide advice regarding risks of application rejection
– Recommend best steps post obtaining rights
– Assist renewal, release or dispute settlement processes
With their proven expertise, the IP registration process in Indonesia becomes very manageable and smooth. Contact professional services like Patendo to guarantee optimized protection of your IPs!
Strategies to Overcome IP Application Rejection
Even if equipped with complete requirements, it does not mean IP registration applications are automatically approved. The following factors are often the cause of rejection in IP registration in Indonesia :
1. Incomplete documents
Often the documents submitted are not fully enclosed or contain technical errors. Ensure documents are 100% compliant with checklist requirements.
2. Object already claimed by other party
If the invention or creation registered is the same or similar to what someone else already owns exclusive rights to before, then it is automatically rejected.
3. The object turns out to lack novelty or originality
Literature research findings indicate the object being registered is actually not something new, has been known before or is not a pure self-creation.
Professional IP Consultants Needed for Foreign Trademarks in Indonesia
Registering international trademarks from overseas in Indonesia requires special terms and procedures to be successfully granted rights.
In-depth understanding of Indonesia’s trademark system and extensive networks are needed to thoroughly investigate and ensure brands are truly safe and conflict-free before submission.
That’s why using professional IP consultant services like Patendo is highly advisable for foreign brand owners looking to enter the Indonesian market. As a registered IP legal consultant with over a decade of experience, Patendo is very familiar with the Indonesian trademark technicalities and regulations.
Patendo’s team of senior consultants who have been sworn in are ready to assist your global brands from risk investigation, documents preparation to execution of registration at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property to run smoothly without obstacles.
Full support is provided up to the issuance of certificates and readiness to operate in Indonesia. IP registration in Indonesia becomes easier with Patendo.

Patendo adalah Konsultan HKI Terdaftar Nomor 939 yang dilantik dan disumpah oleh Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI, berpengalaman 10 tahun dan terpercaya. Telp: 021 2217 2410, WA 0853 5122 5081